Sunday, July 27, 2014

The Bible and A Gun

Got your bible, got your gun.
                                                    ~Lana Del Rey

~The Bible  and A Gun~

Life begins in flesh and blood.
Life looks past death until they meet in harmony. 
In this life there will be trouble.
In this life there will be pain.

Did you know that all men fail?
Did you know that all men fall?
I look to my left and I see a gun.
I look to my right and see the Bible.

Your actions in life should always be you. 
Do you go left with them and then right over there?
Do you pick up the staff and use it to beat your creator?
Life should be you being yourself wherever you are.

You have the Bible and you have the gun. 
Are you using both wrong?
Are you using the one for the other? 
You have the Bible and a gun.

We are living to die.
We should learn how to die. 
What do you believe?
How do you change the world every day?

Life begins in flesh and blood.
Life continues in spirit and truth. 
Life gives you a Bible and a gun. 
How will you use them?
For good or for just you?

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Earth Can Cave In

"Been fighting things that I can't see in
Like voices coming from the inside of me and
Like doing things I find hard to believe in
Am I myself or am I dreaming?
I've been awake for an hour or so
Checking for a pulse but I just don't know
Am I a man when I feel like a ghost?
The stranger in the mirror is wearing my clothes
No I'm not alrightI know that I'm not right
A steering wheel don't mean you can drive
A warm body don't mean I'm alive
No I'm not alright
I know that I'm not right
Feels like I travel but I never arrive
I want to thrive not just survive"

~The Earth Can Cave In~

I can feel it, the pain of the morning when the Earth swallows you whole.
The air becomes thick, and your breath cannot finish.
I can see the world collapsing and the people around me shouting my name.
The problem is I cannot hear them, for the Earth is swallowing me whole.

It is the fire that burns away all possessions that mean anything.
The love and the good all get swept away.
The Earth consumes the air and the fire burns what is left.
And there I am in the middle as the rest of the world watches me die.

My world, my Earth, my life is caving in and I do not think I can be saved.
The answer may be to call out, but I have no voice to do so.
Maybe I can get a whisper out?
Maybe the hiss of the expelling air will alert those watching that I am dying?

I do not think it is possible that a single man could die and it not be noticed.
But I see it happen every day.
The world collapses they die, and nobody knows.
They were born and lived for nothing and died in the same way.

The feelings of self-loathing, the feelings of denial.
The work of a man with a fictitious point of view.
I can be the man described above.
My world may crash and burn.
My world has, but from the ashes I rose like the phoenix for I have a reason to live.

Even though those people did not notice my death, even if they called my name,
I do not care.
Even though the thoughts inside my head were impure,
I ended up resurrected and atoned.

I can feel it.
Another wave of bile and lies.
Do I take a deep breath and close my eyes?
Or do I take what I have learned and fight this time.
It is not for you to decide. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Long Live the Day

"We're bred to growl and preen and claw like paper tigers."
                                                                                   ~Say Anything

~Long Live the Day~

My words can kill you in a second.
My words can cut you deep and spill you dry.
My words are like swords and knives when used against another.
My words can kill you in a second.

When I am alone I say things I think no one can hear.
When I am with others words are sweet.
At times with others the words alone spill out and I am ashamed. 
The situation demands the word, instead of being one and true all the time. 
Lord let them always be pure, alone or with others.

My words can speak blessings. 
My words can heal you.
My words can be an encouragement in dark times. 
My words can be an ointment to clean and absolve your wounds.

When I go down I pray and pray hard
But when I stub my toe I curse and defile. 
At times my eyes say words more than my mouth.
And I dream in negatives that I thought would never hurt me.
Lord let my words always be pure, alone or with others.

And death comes with words
Hell ushers in the liars. 
And death forgets the good, it forgets the pure. 
Hell ushers in those who murder others.
Murder is not just the physical, murder can be of the voice.
Hell is a place worth running from.

Long live the day of love and punishment.
Long live words that cater to the good and run from the bad.
Long live my eyes to see what is Holy.
Long live you and me, for by our words we can be forever.

My words will condemn me.
My words can save me.
Your words can condemn you.
Your words can save you.

Run from evil, and delight in the truth.
Run from Hell, and let your words guide.
Down the path that is rough and narrow,
And not down the one that is broad and supposedly fun.
Let your words and eyes be he guide, to your own soul, and mine. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Not Just for Me...You

unconditional love
   affection with no limits or conditions; complete love

~Not Just for Me...You~

Unconditional love?
The question is not if you should, it is how. 
Unconditional love. 
A hard practice to follow when the world is so bitter.

Mercy on me.
Mercy on my life. 
I repent please show mercy.
Mercy on me.

The love shown to me is the love I wish to emulate.
The mercy shown to me is the act I wish to practice. 
I am unworthy of this love
I am unworthy of mercy.

Judgment will fall.
Judgment will be carried out. 
Those who are not covered will not acquire true life. 
I will not be with them, but until that day I will love in hope that they will join me.

My sin is no different than yours.
My sin is the same.
My sin hurts all.
But I am covered by mercy and love.

Unconditional love is a wave of grace.
Unconditional love is true love.
Unconditional love is part of judgment. 
May my life have love.

Forgiveness comes to those that ask.
Forgiveness comes to those that dive into the deep.
Forgiveness comes by water and fire.
Forgiveness can come to everyman if you just lay down your life for true love.

Unconditional love?
Mercy, grace, judgment forgiveness. 
May my life have love.
May my life be unconditional.
Not just for me, but for you.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Love Them

"And we find what we're made of through the open door. Is it fear you're afraid of? What are you waiting for? Love alone is worth the fight,"

~Love Them~

We are to be the city.
We are to be the ones that are watched.
The pressure of eyes
The pressure to not mess up.

We are on the hill.
We are the ones on display.
The pressure to not fail you
The pressure to not fail me.

We are to be a letter sent to those in need.
We are to be pen and ink to the world.
To do good works and be a bright light.
To do well in life, by powers given to us as gifts

To be better than those that spit in our faces.
To love them even when they are hurting us.
To be better than the man who hates your life.
To love them with light even if it means death.

That person may wrong you, curse you, abuse you.
That person may defile your name, kill your spirit, and beat your way of life.
Love them.
Love them.

We are to be the city,
We are on the hill,
We are to be a letter sent to those in need,
To be better than those that spit in our faces.

Love them,
Do good, and also do well in all that you do.
Love them,
Pray for the ones who strike you.

The pressure is on us, but we have truth.
The pressure is on us, look up and live.
The pressure is on us, love the hopeless.
The pressure is on us, love the unloving.

To be a bright light known as hope.
To look inside and bring out that love.
To be more than the ones that wrong us and love them anyway.
To be different

To stand up
To be the light
To bring hope and love to those that may not even love me.
The pressure is on, I will love them.