Sunday, September 28, 2014

We Will Always Have Storms

Hello hurricane, you're not enough
Hello hurricane, you can't silence my love
I've got doors and windows boarded up
All your dead end fury is not enough
You can't silence my love, my love


~We Will Always Have Storms~

The waves crash and the waves seem to be hunting me.
I want to feel, I want to use these waves to let love flow through me.
Trouble comes, the lightning flashes and instead of love we flee.
This idol of prosperity needs to be broken down and taken away from me.

Things of this world will not save you.
Your car, your house, your objects will not bring you life.
Do not hold onto these things when trouble comes.
Go to love, go to the Master, no matter what storm comes your way.

We all reach to the other side.
We all want to know the truth.
There is only one road worth taking.
That road is filled with strife and hardships, but it is also filled with love.

Water is over my head killing me.
Water is over my head washing me clean.
Who do I put my trust in?
Who do I show my love?

If this world is not our home,
Why then do we think that struggles will not come unto us?
If our body is only temporary,
Why then do we think it will not feel pain?

Where is our faith?
Who do we put  our trust in?
Where is our hope?
Who is the one you look to when times get hard?

A storm is always on its way.
A storm will always be there to knock you down.
If you think just because you know God, they will not come,
Then you do not  know the ways of God.

Waves are crashing.
The storm is coming.
Hope is broken
But my faith will not be shaken.

Let the storm come.
Let the storm wreck my life.
Hold my hand and carry me through.
No matter the storm I will believe.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

What Has Been Spoken to You

"In worship, God imparts himself to us." 
                                                       ~ C.S.Lewis

~What Has Been Spoken to You~

Do you hear the voice that is pure?
Do you stop to listen?
Do you believe and let  your soul be washed clean?
Or do you run and not listen to the good  news? 

In this life there is sorrow,
There is doubt,
There is pain,
Let these things be used to glorify God.

You may see, but you do not hear.
You may hear, but you do not see.
Take what you have seen and what you have heard and use it for God. 
Show the love He has shown you.

How do you show the things that God has given to you?
Do you sit on your gifts and say maybe tomorrow?
Or do you go out and live every day?
Go out and use all you have gained to love those  who are not loved.

Are you truly living?
Are you truly listening?
Is your heart filled?
Go out and live your life based on what God has spoken to you.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

One More Time

Why, Lord, do you stand far off?
    Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?
~Psalm 10:1

~One More Time~

Here I am.
Broken down in soft shadows.
Defeated and huddled under all that I wish to cast aside.
Here I am.

The ocean is deep.
The sky is vast.
The plains stretch on.
Here I am.

The light casts shadows.
The shadows can reveal more than light.
The light casts shadows.
Here I am.

My bones are dust.
And my eyes are red.
I look and I cannot find.
I try to move and I am paralyzed.

My ocean seems shallow today.
My sky is a little smaller than before.
My plains shrink to a step and only a step in front of me.
Here I am.

I want to run to the other side.
I want to join hands and finish a race.
I want to know why.
I want to doubt then learn  to believe.

Here I am.
A man smaller than a mustard seed.
Here I am.
Travelling with no where to go.

One step at a time.
One foot forward.
One more time.
One more time.
Here I am.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Do I feel Love?

“Cause everybody knows, the hardest war to fight is a fight to be yourself  when the voices try to turn you into someone else”.

~Do I Feel Love?~

Creating scenarios in my head.
Coming up with ideas that make sense to me, but others does not reciprocate.
I make up stories that play out in my mind.
I hope that they come to pass.

I look and see that I cannot do this on my own.
But here I am trying anyway.
Here I am acknowledging my own limitations.
Yet I still try to do things by myself.

I break down.
I fall down.
I go on and become who I am.
I look and do not see.

The world does not provide the cover I need.
It does not have the answers I seek.
I need the water to wash me clean.
I need a helping hand to pull me up when that water washes over my head. 

I craft scenarios in my head.
Where I am loved by all
Where I am accepted by the masses
Where I am more capable of doing things by myself.

My weeping can be turned into rejoicing.
My pain can learn to love.
Even when I do not feel love and doubt why anyone would love me.
I must always press on.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


To trust myself, to trust someone else, to trust the doubt in the back of my mind.
                                                                                ~Christina Perri


Why do we have to be so lonely?
In the presence of nothing there is still something.
Why do we have to be so lonely?

Why do we let pain decide?
In the pain there is healing.
Why do we let pain decide?

We all get thrown under the bus.
We all have those who will never like us.
Show love anyway.
Because it is not worth going through life anxious that someone is out to get you.

When we sit alone and dwell on all the things that have gone wrong,
Pain comes.
When we do not get up and show the love of God to people,
We have no reason to complain that we are alone.

Trust in the Lord,
Even when He feels so far away.
Trust in the Lord and direct your path with the best plans He has for you.
Do this and even if you feel alone, remember He has not forsaken you. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Life Reacts in Mysterious Ways

"Different roads sometimes lead to the same castle."
~George R.R. Martin

~Life Reacts in Mysterious Ways~

Life reacts in mysterious ways.
It intertwines knots and unties straight lines. 
Life runs when walking and walks when propelling at the speed of light.
It deepens in the shallow end and it walks on flat feet in the deep.

Below can be above while the back is the front.
The dichotomy of black and white serves its purpose everyday you are alive.
There is death in life and when you are resurrected a man dies. 
What is more sad the pain of life or standing still and waiting for something to happen? 

Life can be diverse, and life can be sparse.
At times it feels like it is both at the same time.
We do not always know why things happen the way they do.
But I have a hope that someone is in control. 

A saint murders and a atheist helps the poor.
Inner peace is disrupted by war,
and karma is too tired to fight back.
This is life, and life is beautiful.

Life reacts in mysterious ways.
I can have all the confidence in the world,
and then she does not show up and I fall flat and make mistakes.
Then bounce right back when friends sacrifice their lives. 

Life hits hard.
Confidence is shaken and prayers are not answered.
You drive and fail, you drive again and you are thrown from the ride. 
Life is a ride that takes too many left turns.

In an age of connectivity people feel oh so alone.
In a world bound together by fibers and cords, why are there people who still have no friends?
The nation is a lonely one if you do not create a world where you belong. 
Thankfully others can populate that world as well.

Somehow this line has an end...mathematically that makes no sense.
But life is not ruled solely by science and math. 
Faith versus science, and time versus eternity.
Clean can be dirty, when the dirty can be clean again.

Life reacts in mysterious ways.
How then do we approach an ever changing aspect ratio?
We live it one day at a time,
We go off and take it in stride, even when we feel we are standing still. 

So go forth and live this dichotomy known as life.
Go forth and and live lies and tell truths.
Make mistakes and ask for forgiveness.
Live your life, for life reacts in mysterious ways.
A choose your own adventure book where love should be a constant and not a variable.

Life reacts in mysterious ways,
How will you live?
How will you be remembered, or not?
Who will you impact?
Left can be right, what will you choose?