Monday, April 27, 2015

We All Have a Role

What a happy and holy fashion it is that those who love one another should rest on the same pillow. 
              ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

~We All Have a Role~

A helping hand. 
An honorable role made by God.  
To be next to your man. 
Not in conflict but in harmony.

God's spirit is shown through you. 
The Spirit is known as the helper. 
And so are you. 
An honorable position appointed by God. 

Like a dove descending upon the Earth. 
The man's own Spirit and lover. 
A friend above any other.  
Are you a jewel to your husband or do you hinder him?

She is Holy, one are you
When you come together. 
Marriage shown as a way to show the sanctity of Christ.
Coming to together as one flesh to love each other and loving God.

She respects her husband. 
She loves her husband. 
She helps him. 
As he serves her.

There are many roles to play. 
They all need to work together to make the dance sway.
The man being the head serving his lover. 
The woman respecting and helping her husband just as the Spirit does for us.

Neither role is beneath the other. 
All work together for the good of another.
Both are Holy. 
 And both make sure the dance stays true.

A woman can speak her mind. 
A man should never beat down their wives when she has something to say.
A woman is not silent in marriage. 
She supports, loves, and if he is in the wrong speaks up in correction. 

Do not fear your husband. 
Fear God not your spouse.  
Love both God and your husband. 
Be strong and work together for the good of yourself and those around. 

Do not ridicule your husband.
You are not meant humiliate him.  
In doing so it demeans him. 
And how are you to be partners if you think he is beneath you?  

No one person has more value than the other. 
Let your husband lead. 
Are you making it so he cannot be the man he was meant to be? 
You are to help and not destroy the marriage you said was forever. 

Contempt will kill a marriage. 
Being completely silent will kill a marriage. 
Respect will build it up. 
What you think of your other when they are not around is what you are in your marriage.

A helping hand. 
An honorable role made by God.  
To be next to your man. 
Not in conflict but in harmony.

Trust one another. 
For when you trust and respect your husband the more love he will show. 
The woman is smart, caring, and kind. 
This marriage is of two parts, and both parts must work together as one. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

What it Means to Be a Man

"Be a man. We must be swift as a coursing river. Be a man. With all the force of a great typhoon. Be a man. With all the strength of a raging fire. Mysterious as the dark side of the moon."

~What it Means to Be a Man~

Men, you are the head of this partnership.   
Men, you are to be responsible for your house. 
Men, you do not boss around.

It may be counter cultural,  but what is in culture is broken.
For the truth. 
For you family. 

Protect and be Holy. 
Do not let your other half falter.
Responsibility rests on your shoulders.

You are looking and you see. 
You have eyes and a voice yet you do not say anything. 
Grow up, be a man.

On that fateful day when sin came to the Earth. 
Who was accountable who was called upon. 
I believe that would be the man. 

Take responsibility and be a man.  
Own up to your mistakes. 
Grow up and realize you have this thing called a backbone. 

Use your eyes and see what is right in front of you. 
The beauty of your other. 
The love cannot waver between you and your lover.

Emulate the one who gave it all. 
Mirror the reflections that move by themselves. 
Reach into the glass and pull out all that needs to be put inside.

Stand up. 
You need to lead. 
You need to show what love is.

For love will sustain. 
But only if it true love. 
Only if it is based on the mirror. 

You have a gift and you want to throw it away? 
What is wrong with you? 
Fix your life so that you may serve your family and your lover. 

Do you show them God? 
Do you take them to his house? 
Do you go to bed and not repent?

Anger should not be in your heart when the sun begins to sleep. 
Look into her eyes and make sure it is well. 
Look into their eyes and make them know you love them.

A balance between being tough and knowing when to cuddle. 
When to speak and when to listen. 
When to defend or be on the offensive.

Rip out the throat of the sin that tries to enter. 
Be the man that your family will respect. 
And defend them when the inevitable attacks come.

Being a man is like  Fast and the Furious,  it is all about family.  
It is about knowing them just as much as they know you.
And then on the other side you will fight for the well being and love of your house.

Honor your wife. 
Love you life. 
Do not let your family break.

Catch her when she falls. 
Build her up when she is weak. 
Hold her when she comes into your arms.

Realize she is yours and you are hers.
Love one another just as Christ loves us. 
Be the man built of both tenderness and toughness.

Be a teddy bear when she needs it.
And a predator when she is attacked. 
She is not lesser than you,  she is your partner in this unceasing dance. 

Lead her when you dance. 
But make sure you dance together.  
Swing and sway as one.

Hope and love as you hold her up in times of need. 
This world will be worse without her.  
Your world will be better when the dance comes together.

As you lead,  as you love, as you provide. 
As you are wrapped up together, 
Physically, emotionally, and Spiritually. 
Remember she is first and she deserves to be both side by side and face to face. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Please, Do Not Leave

Cause I need you
Like the dragonfly's wings need the wind
Like the orphan needs home once again
Like heaven needs more to come in
I need you here like you've always been.


Please, Do Not Leave

These roots used to grow deep.
There used to be water and sun making us grow.
Our tree stretched and intertwined.
It produced fruit and flowers.

But not now,
Now it is dead and black.
Dank and rotten.
The leaves falling and not coming back.

This tree used to be fruitful.
It produced seeds that blew in the wind.
The wind took them and created new worlds.
But now in death worlds have been broken.

This world creates gods that do not resemble iron or steel.
They are made from flesh and blood.
Thoughts and ideas.
And we worship them instead of Love.

Reciprocate love.
Respect and learn through God.

Emulate His love even when times destroy your thoughts.
For love and respect based on the truth will help your tree grow.

Love is hope.
Love is eternal.
Love transcends and is in every root.
Our Lord demands love, so why do we not show it to each other?

Lust is not the same as love.
Lust is driven by desire.
Do not do what you feel.
For feelings of the heart can lead you astray.

Who wants a forest that does not grow?
Who wants a root system where a soft wind can blow down the trees?
Grow together, love each other.
One and the same, lead and be lead.

Be for one another.
Look at each other and love.
Stand next to each other and be selfless.
Be intimate and work to be friends and lovers.

Use you ears to hear.
Use your time to do what the other likes to do.
Be intimate and love.
Love when it feels like there is none.

These roots can be strong again.
Realize you are not perfect, and neither are they.
Need to need, love to love.
Grow and be strong even in seasons that seem gray.

Look up and realize perfection is years away.
Remember that your lover is there by your side.
Let the tree stay.
Let your love root deep and become strong once again.

These trees can grow once more.
These trees will prosper.
If you let it, and let God guide.
These trees will not die, if you actually get on your knees and pray.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Of Course it is Not Easy

"Are you holding on? Are you up against those ropes? Because I know how it feels to lose hope." 

~Of Course it is Not Easy~

Our lives  will not be given flowers and candy all the time. 
It will not be handed good drink and food every day.
Our lives live on during the day.
Our lives live on during the night.

There has to be a meaning behind it all.
Behind the pain,
Behind the handshake from the hypocrite.
Behind the sorrow laden days.

We fell
We fall
We hear it all.

We hurt
We cry
We die to life or death every day.

Our bodies long for something more.
We long for truth
We long for acceptance
We long for the pain to stop.

Life will not end in this world
For this world is broken
This world is finished
This world needs something more.

Life can be given to every man.
There is a man who gave it all to help us through the pain.
He gave us hope
He gave us life.

The eyes of a child
The innocence of it all.
The hope shown through young blood.
God gives us a way to learn what true hope is.

True hope is confident
It is for sure
It is logical and moral.
Hope is a faith and love that transcends our brokenness.

Remember pain will always come,
Because of this we need to come together and hope by love,
And overcome what this world throws at you.  
And overcome the flesh that bogs us down. 

Love the loveless.
Love the unholy.
Love for the hope given to every man.

Love and know that true hope is just a prayer away.