"This is a call to arms, gather soldiers. Time to go to war. This is a battle call, brothers and sisters. Time to go to war."
~30 Seconds to Mars
~This is a War~
This is a war.
This is a war based on facts and truth.
This is a war of faith.
This is a war against black smoke and deception.
This is a war of the flesh.
This is a war of evil.
This is a war of puppetry.
This is a war against the one who holds the deceptive strings.
He could make me dance and make me sing.
He could make me kill those that I love the most.
He could make me lust and fornicate my day away.
He could make me prideful and deny what I love.
But this will not happen today.
For I have a God that breaks all my chains.
But this will not happen today.
For my spirit has been won over by the blood.
Yes, I struggle.
Yes, I am not the best.
Yes, I am not perfect.
But yes, I serve the one who is.
Satan is real.
Demons are real.
But know this,
My God is also real, and His power is Love.
And his power will purify all.
This is a war of the heart.
This is the war of our spirits.
This is a war, take your side.
I will pick the side of the Glorious one.
Forever and ever, amen.
Wow! We just had a new worship song yesterday, powerful, about power in the Name Jesus- breaks the chains. We are in a war and you have grasped it well in this poem, Matt. I'm proud of you.