Friday, May 2, 2014

So I Was Thinking...

So I Was Thinking...
So I was thinking about today and it seemed a lot like yesterday.
I thought about all the times in my life where I was willing to die.
I reflected and sat, and then took a long nap.
And I dreamed with my eyes shut and had visions I had never seen.

I saw beauty in everything and and colors were brighter than ever before.
A technicolor, hd, 4k display that made my world seem like 1930s black and white TV.
In the middle of the room was a prism displaying the colors I saw before me.
On the other side I saw the light shine bright and it pointed to a mirror.
I moved towards it to look and see.
And at the end of the dream I finally approached the mirror. and saw no reflection of me.

So I was thinking about tomorrow and how it will probably be a lot like today.
I thought about all the times in my life where I was willing to live.
I reflected and sat, and then took a short nap.
And then I dreamed a shorter kind of dream.

I saw a light in the distance that looked like a star.
A pinpoint in a place filled to the brim of black and nothing.
In the middle of the light was a dot and this dot had a color I could not see.
I heard a voice that said walk.
And I walked even though I was blind besides for what was before me.
And at the end of the dream I approached the light and saw that in the middle was a mirror and I saw a reflection of me.

So I was thinking about a a few days from now and how I hope it is not like today.
I thought about all the times I wondered if I would live or die.
I reflected and sat, and decided not to fall asleep.
And then I walked and thought that maybe today will be its own unique kind of day.


  1. Yeah, Dark Side!!! Seriously though, good read I really enjoyed it. I've actually been down the willing to die road a few times now... It seems like if you just wait long enough you'll find something to keep you going. Thanks.

  2. I am glad you liked it. And Dark Side is awesome!
