Sunday, August 17, 2014

Fight for Love

This is a call to arms. Gather soldiers time to go to war, This is a battle song. Brothers and sisters, time to go to war.
                                                              ~30 Seconds to Mars

~Fight for Love~

God is with you.
God cares for you. 
He comes to the heart.
He comes to the small town known as your life.

Even when you are hurting,
Even when you deny the truth,
Even when you feel like no one is there,

I can include myself with you.
Sometimes my gifts are not used
And I squander my talents away. 
But if I run back home, God is there.

He sees me in the distance,
And he welcomes me home with open arms. 
We fall, we hurt, we sin,
But when we repent mercy takes us into a fatherly embrace.

There was a man who took it all.
Let me live in that mans scars.
There was a man who took it all, 
And I wish to live like He is alive.

God cares for you.
If He cares for a wretch like me
He must care for you. 
Seek God and let his love flow through you.

We are at war.
We are an army of mercy and love.
Love God first
Love others with His love.

For God cares for you. 
Fight for truth.
Become what you believe in. 
Love God, love others.
Fight for mercy, fight for God.
For in the end, He wins.

1 comment:

  1. After the weekend of launching Main Street in my hometown, where I wondered how I would be accepted, this poem is especially meaningful tonight. I sold out my books. I was embraced and it was a wonderful weekend God worked through.
