Monday, October 26, 2015

X Marks the Spot

Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. There is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of its filling a vacuum, it makes one. If it satisfies one want, it doubles and trebles that want another way. That was a true proverb of the wise man, rely upon it; "Better is little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure, and trouble therewith."
                                                                                                                      ~Benjamin Franklin

~X Marks the Spot~

Buried treasure. 
Buried hopes and dreams. 
To uncover the truths.  
To be humble when we find the loot. 

A child's wonder.  
A child searching with a father. 
Running through the woods. 
But being put on the path by the guiding dad. 

Humility before my Savior. 
Like a child depending on their parent.  
Humility like this child. 
As we seek for treasure placed in our lives by God. 

The map I have before me has one X
I travel by light towards this goal. 
But to the left something shiny takes me off.  
Towards a goal with no X, to a path that was not put there for good.

When the path is muddled and you stray too far. 
God is there with you urging you back. 
When the brambles catch your clothes
We have a God who can patch your wounds.

The problem is we are not humble. 
We don't have a child's faith as we get older. 
The treasures of this world seem sweeter than the X
The problem is we do not trust our Father anymore. 

This world can harden us.  
It can shape us to be cold towards empathy. 
The goal is to be like Christ. 
And believe like a child once again. 

We pray and we follow the hard path. 
This path that can hurt. 
But we have the Maker helping us through. 
As long as we trust and make our lives brand new.

What is great about all of these things? 
What is great about trial? 
It makes a man a better man if we do it with God's help. 
It makes a man truly understand what Humility is.

Our faith is not hopeless. 
It is not a crutch. 
Faith is the acknowledgement of our limitations.
So we can call upon God to help us when we fall. 

Selfishness can kill a man. 
It bleeds out to jealousy.  
Selfishness can kill faith. 
It creates pride, sorrow, and death.

Selfishness does not seek humility.
Being humble does not mean being walked over.
We take hold of each other and pray for a better day.
When we are humble we do not walk these paths alone.

Buried treasure. 
Buried hopes and dreams. 
To uncover the truths.  
To be humble when we find the loot. 

Our X does not need to be lonely. 
The journey does not need to be alone. 
With God by our side and friends put in place.
We go side by side into this world to discover what my maker created us for. 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Understanding a Foundation

"When all the love in the world is right here among us and hatred too, and so we must choose what our hands will do. Where there is pain let there be grace. Where there is suffering bring serenity. For those afraid, help them be brave. Where there is misery bring expectancy, and surely we can change something."
                                                                              ~David Crowder

~Understanding a Foundation~

What if we gained, gripped, and grasped all this world offered us,
Would we get what we were looking for?
What if we fornicated, got drunk, and had a heck of a time,
Would we fill the hole that is inside of us?

Could I build a solid foundation on a rock?
What if I did then tried to continue the building by my own rules?
Would not my house still fall?
Would I not be crushed under the storm?

There are cracks in my foundation.
I am a messed up individual.
I am scared to pray when I wish to hide from answers.
Yet I still believe in Love. 

But belief is only one step.
What about the relationship?
What does Love ask us to do?
What is the next step in the plans laid out before the back of my head?

A small voice can speak a mountain.
A small voice can repair a broken home.
A small voice can sound loud.
In the nothing, something can shine through.

What is it in your life that is driving you away from truth?
Is it a sin you are too ashamed to bring to the forefront?
That sin can be washed into the ocean.
It can be judged and forgiven.

Love is beyond our understanding.
It is unfathomable.
Yet, He is more personable than a mother with her newborn child. 
He is more than enough for the sinner, the liar, the downtrodden, and the lost.

If I gained this world I would be let down.
I can not do this on my own.
What choice will you choose?
Love or Death?

I choose the joy I experience from God.
I choose the hardships of living in a fallen world.
I choose the eternal.
I choose the muck and the mud I must wade to get there. 

This is not about me.
It is not about my own insecurities.
It is about Love.
It is about what He did to deliver you and me.

We should have bled.
We should have died.
The cross should of bared us.
But I have a God who took it all for me to be free. 

Monday, October 12, 2015

What is In-Between?

"I am the war inside,. I am the battle line. I am the rising tide. I am the more I fight, eyes open, open wide. I can feel like I'm the crack in my spine. I can feel like the back of my mind. I am the war inside."

~What is In-Between?~

Down on my knees I pray.
Forward thinking in recovery kneeling.
A brightness in a black room I was thinking.
On my knees I decide to pray.

Will I continue until the end beginning?
Will I pray and feel grace and mercy,
On a day of hurt,
On a day of pain?

In these days when anxiousness takes over the mind.
When my worry blocks out my words.
While I am trying to be what I need to be.
When I am trying to live life and pray.

I am a flawed masterpiece.
I am a man who finds comfort in the rain.
Looking forward to the day I no longer fear to pray.
Looking for peace in a mind that sees magic as faith.

I want to be able to close my eyes and pray for more than just me.
To see the needs around.
To go forward in love in a world far from me,
To pray not as a checklist, but a relationship that feeds.

Can we hold onto the vines that come down from glory?
Can we depend on Love instead of ourselves?
Can we climb up high and experience a fall,
So that we can seek and climb once more?

Hope for more than your own desires.
Pray and believe that Love is listening. 
For Love answers in one way or another. 
And the answers will make us stronger.

Faith is above and below.
It is the sky and the dirt.
Fear does not belong in the in-between.
When I look up and see the glory, the in-between falls down.
And I do as well, to my knees and then I begin to pray. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

Time to Look Up

~Time to Look Up~

A Kingdom has and will come down.
White and dipped in blood it will come.
Healing that goes deeper than whatever came before.
With music that calls the dead and awakens them through the mouth of a King.

For the invisible Kingdom is here with us now.
But there is another on its way.
A physical one for all to see.
What do we do while we wait?

We wait and use the sky to see the Lord.
We wait and Love all who wander on our paths.
We wait and Love those who do not wander in our way.
We wait and live lives on purpose, in urgency, for love, as we pray.

Fear is not from Love.
So cast is aside and look into the sky.
We will know when it happens.
We will know the glory of the stars.

The world must die before it can be saved.
My life died before I lived.
I live for an end, not the beginning of me.
For the end is the new beginning for those who believe.

Because of this we need urgency.
We need to show Love.
We need Grace and Mercy.
The King of the stars died, so I could die and break clean.

Something is not right here.
Something is not adding up.
The place where we live has something missing.
The place where we live thinks forward thinking is equality.

They would rather have pleasure than hear the Word of the Stars.
They would rather feel good than feel what real love is.
They would rather live in false hope than have a rock under their feet.
I would rather have euphoria with my King.

Did you see it?
Did you see the love?
Did you see the blood poured out?
Did you see the eminence of a world where we belong?

Was your eyes open,
Or did you close them because you would rather love flesh than eternity?
Was your eyes open,
Or did you not look up and see the wonder of signs sent into our sea?

People look up and ignore it.
People look down and plant seeds in the weeds.
People hear a warning and look the other way.
Only to believe when they see the rain and run to an Ark when it it too late.

Do not worry about your things.
Do not look back and become nothing.
For your fleshly goods will pass away.
But your soul will live on in one place or another.

If you have everything this world has to offer and do not have a soul,then your life is nothing.
I would rather love and know the Maker then get off with endless women, men and money.
For when the physical Kingdom comes,
I won't be dashed away.