Monday, October 19, 2015

Understanding a Foundation

"When all the love in the world is right here among us and hatred too, and so we must choose what our hands will do. Where there is pain let there be grace. Where there is suffering bring serenity. For those afraid, help them be brave. Where there is misery bring expectancy, and surely we can change something."
                                                                              ~David Crowder

~Understanding a Foundation~

What if we gained, gripped, and grasped all this world offered us,
Would we get what we were looking for?
What if we fornicated, got drunk, and had a heck of a time,
Would we fill the hole that is inside of us?

Could I build a solid foundation on a rock?
What if I did then tried to continue the building by my own rules?
Would not my house still fall?
Would I not be crushed under the storm?

There are cracks in my foundation.
I am a messed up individual.
I am scared to pray when I wish to hide from answers.
Yet I still believe in Love. 

But belief is only one step.
What about the relationship?
What does Love ask us to do?
What is the next step in the plans laid out before the back of my head?

A small voice can speak a mountain.
A small voice can repair a broken home.
A small voice can sound loud.
In the nothing, something can shine through.

What is it in your life that is driving you away from truth?
Is it a sin you are too ashamed to bring to the forefront?
That sin can be washed into the ocean.
It can be judged and forgiven.

Love is beyond our understanding.
It is unfathomable.
Yet, He is more personable than a mother with her newborn child. 
He is more than enough for the sinner, the liar, the downtrodden, and the lost.

If I gained this world I would be let down.
I can not do this on my own.
What choice will you choose?
Love or Death?

I choose the joy I experience from God.
I choose the hardships of living in a fallen world.
I choose the eternal.
I choose the muck and the mud I must wade to get there. 

This is not about me.
It is not about my own insecurities.
It is about Love.
It is about what He did to deliver you and me.

We should have bled.
We should have died.
The cross should of bared us.
But I have a God who took it all for me to be free. 

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