For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness.
~1 Thessalonians 5:5
~My Life Still Lives On~
I deserve nothing.
I deserve nothing but the death that I am born with.
I do not deserve the gifts and the mercy I am shown every day.
I am a child of the light.
I am a child that casts a shadow.
I do not deserve the light on my life, but for some reason it is upon me.
I deserve death.
I deserve Hell.
But I have a God who looks at me and takes my death away.
I am a child of mercy.
I am child that hurts more than myself.
I do not deserve the mercy in my life, but for some reason it is upon me.
In moments like these when I seem to have clarity, I weep.
I weep for the goodness
I weep for the pain.
I weep for I do not know why He would save me, all because of faith.
As the day passes by and the clarity begins to fade
I sing the songs I always knew.
I sing, "God, my God, I do not deserve you.
I do not deserve your love
But I thank you, for you have won my life.
So I thank you, even though I do not deserve you."
I deserve nothing.
You deserve everything.
I close my eyes and pray my prayers
For my life still lives on.
Oh, deep. I've been feeling similar thoughts.