Thursday, December 3, 2015

Is it Safer to do Nothing at All?

"What if my dreams do not happen? Would I just change what I've told my friends? I don't want to know who I would be, when I wake from a dreamer's dream."                                                                                        ~Twenty-One Pilots

~Is it Safer to do Nothing at All?~

Dreams are meant to be broken and reborn again. 
To be slept on and woken up into.
A gauge of how much you mean to yourself.
An undeniable drive to see what you are are striving for.

For dreams are made by what you want.
The desires of a heart beyond my own.
I choose my fate every time I wake.
I cry out and wonder where is the direction I seek.

Sometimes Love has us wait.
We must be patient and realize it is not in our time.
We may choose fate, but time does not let us choose a side.
It carries on until the game is done. 

What happens if I do not reach what I am reaching for?
Does that mean that my dream was not true?
Is this the death of a dream?
Is it time for it to become new?

Dreams are meant to be broken and reborn again. 
To be made out of sand.
Once the heat rises and the mix is in place,
The sand turns to glass and we hope it does not shatter in our face.

Is it safer to do nothing at all?
Is it safer to just sit in my room?
When this world wants to fall down.
That is when I think I should get up and move.

Sometimes Love has us wait.
Sometimes Love says to run.
Run towards what was placed inside our heart.
And even if we fail we need to get up and run again.

For in everything we learn.
We learn when we fail and when we succeed.
As long as we try and learn how to bleed.
For dreams are meant to be broken and reborn again.

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